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Tariff Change

Presented and explained the process of developing new functionality for a mobile application that allows users to independently change their tariff plan.

Presented and explained the process of developing new functionality for a mobile application that allows users to independently change their tariff plan.


1. Improving User Experience

1. Improving User Experience

The ability to change tariffs through the mobile application will add convenience in using the provider's services.

The ability to change tariffs through the mobile application will add convenience in using the provider's services.

2. Moving from service requests to full automation of the process

2. Moving from service requests to full automation of the process

This will reduce the load on operators and provide a more flexible and convenient way to configure one's internet plan.

This will reduce the load on operators and provide a more flexible and convenient way to configure one's internet plan.

3. Increasing customer loyalty

3. Increasing customer loyalty

Providing convenient tools for managing tariff plans will help strengthen customer loyalty and retain them in the long term.

Providing convenient tools for managing tariff plans will help strengthen customer loyalty and retain them in the long term.

4. Marketing research and analysis

4. Marketing research and analysis

The company will be able to obtain data and feedback from users regarding their preferences and behavior when choosing a tariff plan or additional services.

The company will be able to obtain data and feedback from users regarding their preferences and behavior when choosing a tariff plan or additional services.

5. Increasing sales

5. Increasing sales

Quick switching to a promotional tariff, improving current tariff options, or connecting additional services can help increase the average check and overall revenue from services.

Quick switching to a promotional tariff, improving current tariff options, or connecting additional services can help increase the average check and overall revenue from services.


Before implementing the functionality, together with business analysts, we conducted a small quantitative study using the survey method. At that time, this was the most acceptable and quickest way for us to check the actual interest of users in changing their tariff.

Before implementing the functionality, together with business analysts, we conducted a small quantitative study using the survey method. At that time, this was the most acceptable and quickest way for us to check the actual interest of users in changing their tariff.

1. Survey goals

1. Survey goals

Identify the need for the new functionality among users.

Identify problems users face with the current method of changing tariffs.

Gather users' opinions on different ways to change tariffs within the current interface.

Identify the need for the new functionality among users.

Identify problems users face with the current method of changing tariffs.

Gather users' opinions on different ways to change tariffs within the current interface.

2. Audience

2. Audience

To avoid over-segmentation, we settled on just two cohorts. These users had already changed tariffs via a call to customer support.

Users with mono-internet and optional TV.

Users with rich tariffs and additional services, including various subscriptions and equipment.

When developing the survey questions and the future interface, we will consider the requests of both groups of users. This will allow us to take a comprehensive look at the necessary states and functionality when switching between different tariffs.

To avoid over-segmentation, we settled on just two cohorts. These users had already changed tariffs via a call to customer support.

Users with mono-internet and optional TV.

Users with rich tariffs and additional services, including various subscriptions and equipment.

When developing the survey questions and the future interface, we will consider the requests of both groups of users. This will allow us to take a comprehensive look at the necessary states and functionality when switching between different tariffs.

3. Questions

3. Questions

We created two lists of clear and specific questions corresponding to the survey goals. We used various types of questions: multiple choice, Likert scale, open-ended questions, etc.

Before working with users, we tested the questions on colleagues to ensure the logic and order of the questions.

We created two lists of clear and specific questions corresponding to the survey goals. We used various types of questions: multiple choice, Likert scale, open-ended questions, etc.

Before working with users, we tested the questions on colleagues to ensure the logic and order of the questions.

4. Results

4. Results

Users have a need to change their tariffs independently—this was the main finding of the study. The process of changing tariffs should address questions related to price, subscriptions, and equipment. There is also a need for a convenient interface for comparing tariffs and identifying user values.

Users have a need to change their tariffs independently—this was the main finding of the study. The process of changing tariffs should address questions related to price, subscriptions, and equipment. There is also a need for a convenient interface for comparing tariffs and identifying user values.

Here are some screens from the survey results:


After confirming the need, we started taking more active steps toward implementation. We began by formulating product hypotheses. After a brainstorming session with business analysts, we decided to start A/B testing with funnel testing. This way, we can accurately determine how well we have met users’ needs after the surveys and not lose them in the tariff change funnel.

After confirming the need, we started taking more active steps toward implementation. We began by formulating product hypotheses. After a brainstorming session with business analysts, we decided to start A/B testing with funnel testing. This way, we can accurately determine how well we have met users’ needs after the surveys and not lose them in the tariff change funnel.

The ability to independently change tariffs in the mobile application will increase the conversion funnel by 4% for users with a contract of a year or more within a month.

The ability to independently change tariffs in the mobile application will increase the conversion funnel by 4% for users with a contract of a year or more within a month.


Next, I created a schematic prototype. At this stage, I did not delve deeply into the various states and possible outcomes in the user scenario. It was important to understand the overall logic of the process and not miss key functions of the tariff change. This also allowed developers to start laying the architecture for the future interface.

Then, together with product managers, we thought through the states and all necessary screens. For me, this became the starting point for developing the final design, as we immediately considered all the content and priorities. The schematic looked like this:

Then, together with product managers, we thought through the states and all necessary screens. For me, this became the starting point for developing the final design, as we immediately considered all the content and priorities. The schematic looked like this:


Design development took a certain amount of time, and some interfaces underwent significant changes after various optimizations and suggestions. I’ll try to focus only on the key screens.

Design development took a certain amount of time, and some interfaces underwent significant changes after various optimizations and suggestions. I’ll try to focus only on the key screens.

1. Tariffs = Lines

The first important change I proposed was combining tariff plans into lines. For users, “lines” is a specific term that does not appear in the product. But for us, it is a working term. Essentially, it is a tariff divided into several speeds.

When initially choosing a tariff in the mobile application, users were presented with a large number of tariffs. This created difficulties in selection and, moreover, comparison. In the tariff change interface, I proposed combining tariffs into their lines and displaying only key changes for them.

The first important change I proposed was combining tariff plans into lines. For users, “lines” is a specific term that does not appear in the product. But for us, it is a working term. Essentially, it is a tariff divided into several speeds.

When initially choosing a tariff in the mobile application, users were presented with a large number of tariffs. This created difficulties in selection and, moreover, comparison. In the tariff change interface, I proposed combining tariffs into their lines and displaying only key changes for them.

This optimization option and reducing the cognitive load on the user had obvious success in corridor studies. According to test results, more than 82% of respondents chose the desired speed within a specific line.

This optimization option and reducing the cognitive load on the user had obvious success in corridor studies. According to test results, more than 82% of respondents chose the desired speed within a specific line.

Main tariff change screen

Main tariff change screen

• Current tariff with key parameters.

• Recommended tariff.

• 5 lines with the ability to vertically compare features.

• Current tariff with key parameters.

• Recommended tariff.

• 5 lines with the ability to vertically compare features.

Tariff line screens:

Tariff line screens:

• Choice of optimal internet speed.

• Services and subscriptions that can be configured
or opened by selecting a higher speed.

• Choice of optimal internet speed.

• Services and subscriptions that can be configured
or opened by selecting a higher speed.

2. Tariff comparison table

The table went through several changes during creation. It was important to display a large amount of information and maintain focus on key blocks.

The table went through several changes during creation. It was important to display a large amount of information and maintain focus on key blocks.

Key elements:

Key elements:

• Tariff names.

• Price (with promotion or trial).

• Characteristics by category (with the ability to filter the main ones).

• Clear integration of additional services into the current tariff.

• Clear final price for both options.

• Tariff names.

• Price (with promotion or trial).

• Characteristics by category (with the ability to filter the main ones).

• Clear integration of additional services into the current tariff.

• Clear final price for both options.

Since this is a crucial screen in the tariff change scenario, I conducted several quick corridor studies with small tasks. Highlighting additional services and filtering elements had to be simplified. Then, together with the art director, we gave it a more consistent look and added space. Below are some intermediate options.

Since this is a crucial screen in the tariff change scenario, I conducted several quick corridor studies with small tasks. Highlighting additional services and filtering elements had to be simplified. Then, together with the art director, we gave it a more consistent look and added space. Below are some intermediate options.

3. Gadgets selection

At one of the steps, after the user has chosen a tariff, they can choose equipment. On the CJM of tariff change, this step seemed quite controversial as it noticeably delayed the final application step. In the first iteration, we decided to leave the equipment due to routers that comprehensively meet the needs when switching to high-speed tariffs. And we did not miss out, as equipment purchases from the application increased by 5% within a month thanks to this step.

At one of the steps, after the user has chosen a tariff, they can choose equipment. On the CJM of tariff change, this step seemed quite controversial as it noticeably delayed the final application step. In the first iteration, we decided to leave the equipment due to routers that comprehensively meet the needs when switching to high-speed tariffs. And we did not miss out, as equipment purchases from the application increased by 5% within a month thanks to this step.


  1. The ability to change tariffs through the application significantly reduced the load on phone operators. So far, of all tariff change applications, phone processing accounts for 18% of requests. We did not decide to completely abandon phone processing, as for certain segments, it is the optimal way to manage the contract.

  1. Thanks to the interactive and independent way of changing tariffs, we saw a monthly surge in tariff change applications by 27%. Especially when tariffs with various promotions appeared. It became easier for users to compare and choose a tariff that better suits their needs/budget.

  1. We started collecting data for personalized recommendations to users. Over time, this will allow us to more accurately offer relevant tariffs and equipment during changes.

  1. In the first month, the version with tariff change in the application showed a 28% increase in ARPPU. This is higher than forecasted.

  1. And the main hypothesis of the scenario, to increase conversion to switch to a new tariff for existing customers, was confirmed. Based on analytics for the month, we again exceeded expectations.

  1. Later, the ability to change tariffs on the web was implemented, but that’s another story…

  1. For me, this was an interesting experience of a comprehensive launch of an interesting and relatively successful scenario for Dom.ru mobile applications.